• Theresia Agustina

Theresia Agustina

Theresia Agustina Sitompul, Tere as she usually called by his close friends spent her art education from undergraduate to Masters level at the Indonesian Art Institute, Yogyakarta. In her early works she focused much on printmaking, one of the media that she often still works on to this day. Many early works using etching and drypoint print technique mainly feature female figures that looked small and frail, in a vague color only thinly marked on the surface of the print paper, made ​​up from the repetitive rhythmic lines. After college, hers works began to develop with the involvement of a variety of other media that she presents in the form of sculpture and installation. With her work Noah's Ark, Tere awarded as one of the Young Artist Award recipient in the event ArtJog, 2013. This award will open up opportunities for Tere to undergo a period of artist in residence program in Berlin

Drawing & Illustration Part I

18 September - 18 October 2015

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BIASA Art is located on
Jalan Raya Seminyak 34, Seminyak, Bali
Jalan Raya Sanggingan, Ubud, Bali
For more information about current exhibition, please contact art@biasagroup.com