• Narcisse Tordoir

Narcisse Tordoir

Narcisse Tordoir (born in Mechelen, Belgium) practices painting as an act; a performance that continues to resonate. His language is associative, intrusive and mysterious yet with great formal precision. The elements, recognizable in themselves, are combined in a way which creates tension and opens up a semantic field of emotion, disrupting our ordinary ways of seeing and consistently off-footing the viewer. Narcisse Tordoir has represented Belgium at the Venice Biennale. In 1999 together with Luc Tuymans he organized Trouble Spot Painting, a trailblazing show marking the state of painting at the time. Tordoir lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium.


Exhibition by Honold Fine Art at BIASA Cube
30 November 2019 - 15 January 2020

BIASA Art is located on
Jalan Raya Seminyak 34, Seminyak, Bali
Jalan Raya Sanggingan, Ubud, Bali
For more information about current exhibition, please contact art@biasagroup.com