Ika Arista

Born in Sumenep in 1990, interested in heirloom; from Keris, tobak, badik, and so others.
Decided to become woman Keris smith, a profession which identic with masculinity. Keris or other national heirlooms should be able to be appreciated by all individuals, especially the youth. Therefore, perceiving the heirloom should be in a different perspective, not only from the magical side, but also in keeping the adiluhung culture and learn about the knowledge in time. Interested in making artwork that presents the theme and narration based on present day perspective.


On Women, Power and Traditions #1
13 April - 30 May 2022

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Keris Bajraguna Warangka Ladrang Jawa Timur
    Medium: Iron and Wood
    Size (cm): 49
    Year: 2022

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Keris Panji Paniwen Pamor Unthuk
    Banyu Warangka Gayaman Solo

    Medium: Iron and Wood
    Size (cm): 49
    Year: 2021

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Keris Junjung Drajat Warangka Jeren Sumenep
    Medium: Iron and Wood
    Size (cm): 50
    Year: 2019

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Keris Sodo Lanang Warangka Deng Odengan Sumenep
    Medium: Iron and Wood
    Size (cm): 49
    Year: 2022

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Keris Pamor Melati Rinonce Warangka Kongbukongan
    Medium: Iron and Wood
    Size (cm): 49
    Year: 2022

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Keris Naga Siluman Kinatah Emas Warangka Gayaman Jogja
    Medium: Iron, Wood and Gold
    Size (cm): 40
    Year: 2021

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Keris Pamor Bendo Sagodo Warangka Gayaman Solo
    Medium: Iron and Wood
    Size (cm): 50
    Year: 2019

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Betok Gaya Kamardikan
    Medium: Iron
    Size (cm): 42
    Year: 2021

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Medium: Iron
    Size (cm): 48
    Year: 2021

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Keris Jude Gate Gaya
    Medium: Iron
    Size (cm): 49
    Year: 2021

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Malate Tompang
    Medium: Charcoal on paper
    Size (cm): 84 x 59
    Year: 2022

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Jungjung Drajat #1
    Medium: Charcoal on paper
    Size (cm): 84 x 59
    Year: 2022

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Malate Sato’or
    Medium: Charcoal on paper
    Size (cm): 107 x 78
    Year: 2022

  • Artwork of Ika Arista at Pepunden Exhibition at BIASA Art, Ubud

    Jungjung Drajat #2
    Medium: Charcoal on paper
    Size (cm): 84 x 59
    Year: 2022

BIASA Art is located on
Jalan Raya Seminyak 34, Seminyak, Bali
Jalan Raya Sanggingan, Ubud, Bali
For more information about current exhibition, please contact art@biasagroup.com