art + fashion : observatories of the self

30 August - 29 September, 2013
Sara Nuytemans

First exhibited in BIASA ArtSpace Jakarta, ‘Observatories of the Self’ was exhibited at BIASA ArtSpace in Bali in an ART + FASHION event showcasing both the work of visual artist Sara Nuytemans and the BIASA Fall 2013/14 Collection.

Nuytemans, who first discovered Indonesia through an artist residency in Yogyakarta, often draws inspiration from human interaction with the world. ‘Observatories of the Self’ is the product of her research into fundamental questions often posed: Why are we here? What is our role as human beings? Visitors were welcomed by various installations including a three meter globe structure constructed from over a thousand reflective stainless steel squares in which viewers can sit on a motorized platform inside the structure and rotate, experiencing a moving distortion of their own reflection along with a unique acoustic sensation.

Nuytemans also showcased her bespoke mirrored footwear accessories in collaboration with BIASA, creating a synergy between both art and fashion in aperformative spirit.

To know more about the available artworks of this artist, please contact us at